Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The things we bring home after working all day

Most important baby brother from daycare.
One bacon cheese burger with mustard and ketchup.
One bacon cheese burger plain
One deluxe cheese burger (yeah hold bacon cuz I'm weird like that) plain.
Large fry for all to share.
Two fuzzies.
This is food to feed three boys and two snakes. Ew.
There is a reason they call them fuzzies:(
But this is what makes me a MOB.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The fake sounds that boys make

I already posted this as a status update on Facebook - but I felt the need to get this out to warn the other MOBs out there in the world that this phenomena will infest their household if it hasn't already.

My nine year discovered serendipitously that he could make...wait for it...FART NOISES - ya know the underarm ones.  But his discovery happened under the knee.  He was watching TV on our large couch and happened to be be sitting with his knees up - he absent-minded put his hands on the back of his thighs and in his fidgety-ness started flapping his legs - hallelujah!  The heavens opened the clouds and the fart noises commenced.
Now it happens all the time - dinner, out to eat, in the car.  I guess I should be glad that they don't smell.

The best part about this story - which I don't want to forget is the story in 9 year old words of how this all started.  But then the questions start. Mom can you do it. Uh no. But I have to admit I tried with no success.  He says - I don't have to ask daddy I KNOW he can - then we heard it from the other side of the house loud and clear.  YES he can.